Start-Up entrepreneurs, small business owners, and their employees, can all benefit from a tailored programme of mentoring.
Drawing on decades of commercial experience at senior management and board Director level, we can work with the business owners and senior staff to help them guide the direction of the company as they develop and improve as a team and as individuals. Examples of mentoring activity include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Individuals understanding the way they approach tasks at work.
- As a team, each member recognising how others approach tasks, which may be different to their own approach.
- Encouraging, probing and challenging individuals’ decisions to ensure the right choices are being made for the business.
- Working with your team to formulate a set of company values that every employee can work to and that can also be transferred into customer propositions and messaging.
We offer mentoring for one or more employees at different levels of the company and are completely flexible in our offering depending on the requirements of the company.